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Lord Of The Dance, The - hacer clic para una imagen más grande
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Lord Of The Dance, The - Muestra de música
Muestra de música
Título Lord Of The Dance, The
Artículo no. 4117981
Categoría Banda sinfónica/brass band
Subcategoría Música del teatro musical
Instrumentación/orquestación Bra (Brass Band)
Formato PrtStm (partitura y piezas)
País de edición Reino Unido (uk)
Editorial * Los campos que lleven una estrella (*) son accesibles solamente a los Socios del Club después de Registrarsehacer clic aquí
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Compositor Hardiman, Ronan
Arreglista Somerset, Gavin
Otros detalles/contenidos During an interval at the Eurovision Song Contest in 1994, Michael Flatley & the 'Riverdance' cast took the world by storm and continued to achieve worldwide success. Michael Flatley left 'Riverdance' with the dream of creating a show that was suitable for performances in arenas and not just traditional theatres – 'The Lord Of The Dance' was born. Using the traditional US shaker hymn 'The Lord of the Dance' as the shows main theme, Ronan Hardiman adapted the music to be bursting with life. This arrangement by Gavin Somerset is full of excitement and energy, arranged to ensure this effect is playable by most levels of bands. A real crowd pleaser & finale act that will have the audiences on their feet!
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* Los campos que lleven una estrella son accesibles solamente a los Socios del Club después de Registrarse.

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