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InSight Singing (A Multi-Sensory Approach to Reading Music) - hacer clic para una imagen más grande
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Título InSight Singing (A Multi-Sensory Approach to Reading Music)
Artículo no. 4095532
Categoría Coro/voces
Subcategoría Chorschulung, Einsingübungen
Instrumentación/orquestación LehrH (Lehrerheft)
Formato Bk (libro)
Idioma del texto Inglés {en}
País de edición Estados Unidos (us)
Editorial * Los campos que lleven una estrella (*) son accesibles solamente a los Socios del Club después de Registrarsehacer clic aquí
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Fecha de publicación 2017
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Autor Eaton, Denise; Juneau, Jan; Schott, Sally
Otros detalles/contenidos Imagine your students becoming independent sight-readers! This book provides a systematic process for improving the following: sight-singing skills, integration of visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning styles in reading music, and overall musicianship. The learning strategies which accompany the melodies presented in this text incorporate all senses through multisensory learning. These ideas give direction to the learner and the teacher in developing the necessary musical skills and confidence to sight-sing in a manner which includes musical accuracy while encouraging good vocal technique. Using this type of consistent, thoughtful organization of concepts, students can learn to be secure in their abilities as music readers, as well as becoming “insightful singers.”
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