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Ring of Brodger, The (The Stage of an Ancient Ritual) - hacer clic para una imagen más grande
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Título Ring of Brodger, The (The Stage of an Ancient Ritual)
Artículo no. 4040637
Categoría Banda sinfónica/brass band
Subcategoría Música contemporánea original (siglo XX y XXI)
Instrumentación/orquestación Ha (banda de música)
Formato PrtStm (partitura y piezas)
País de edición Japón (jp)
Editorial * Los campos que lleven una estrella (*) son accesibles solamente a los Socios del Club después de Registrarsehacer clic aquí
Compositor Yagisawa, Satoshi
Nivel de dificultad 3+
Duración 6:10
Otros detalles/contenidos This piece was commssioned by Asia University Wind Orchestra, which gave the first performance conducted by Masato Kumoi, who is famous as a saxophone player. Orkney Islands, situated in almost 10 kilometers northward from Dunnet Head, the north end of Scotland, is said to be the ancient city of megalith. Especially, in Mainland, the biggest island, there are many remains of the prehistoric age. The largest one is The Ring of Brodgar, which is the largest stone circle in Scotland. There used to be 60 megaliths arranged in circle of 103.6 meters in diameter. The composer, Satoshi Yagisawa, had been writing series of pieces, which were on world heritage and ancient remains, and this piece is the sixth in the series. He depicts the stone circle in the land of the origin of Celt dramatically.

Picc. / Fl.1-2/ Ob.1-2/ Bsn.1-2 /Cl.1-3/ B.Cl. /A.Sax.1-2/T.Sax./B.Sax/
Tp.1-3/Hn.1-4/Trb.1-3/ Euph./Tuba/St.Bass./ Timp. Perc.1-4
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Ring of Brodger, The (The Stage of an Ancient Ritual) - hacer clic aquí Ring of Brodger, The (The Stage of an Ancient Ritual) (banda de música), partitura y piezas
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