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Título When Johnny Comes Marching Home
Artículo no. 3210889
Categoría Orquesta
Subcategoría (obra sin asignación)
Instrumentación/orquestación SymO (orquesta sinfónica)
Formato Prt (partitura)
Artículo principal When Johnny Comes Marching Home, SymO (PrtStm)
País de edición Reino Unido (uk)
Editorial * Los campos que lleven una estrella (*) son accesibles solamente a los Socios del Club después de Registrarsehacer clic aquí
Artículo no. de la editorial * Los campos que lleven una estrella (*) son accesibles solamente a los Socios del Club después de Registrarsehacer clic aquí
Título de serie Orchestra Expressions Book 2
Fecha de publicación 2017
Compositor Traditional Irish
Arreglista Dackow, Sandra
Nivel de dificultad 2+
Duración 1:30
Otros detalles/contenidos Grade 2½

An exciting arrangement by Sandra Dackow that students will love to play that remains in first position with strong eighth-note passages and great parts for all. This piece appears in the 1800s and is embraced as traditional folk music by both Ireland and the United States, where it is popularly known as When 'Johnny Comes Marching Home.' The original words 'Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye' are sung by the song's narrator, a young Irish woman who watched her loved one run away to soldier in a war far away. When he finally does return home to her and his child, he is broken, but she still takes him in and loves him. In more recent times the song has become, in some ways, an anti-war anthem. The American words of the song were popular with both the Confederate and Union Armies during the US Civil War. (1:30)
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