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Big Country, The - hacer clic para una imagen más grande
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Big Country, The - Muestra de música
Muestra de música
Título Big Country, The
Artículo no. 3114334
Categoría Banda sinfónica/brass band
Subcategoría Música de cine y de televisión
Instrumentación/orquestación Bra (Brass Band)
Formato PrtStm (partitura y piezas)
País de edición Reino Unido (uk)
Editorial * Los campos que lleven una estrella (*) son accesibles solamente a los Socios del Club después de Registrarsehacer clic aquí
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Compositor Moross, Jerome
Arreglista Cook, Andi
Otros detalles/contenidos The opening of the main theme from 'The Big Country' is as iconic as any western theme ever written. The flourish from the strings (or cornets in our case!) allow your band to show off with detailed playing that is sure to grab your audience's attention from the word go. The film's composer, Jerome Moross was nominated for an Academy Award for his work on the soundtrack, but lost to 'The Old Man and the Sea' scored by Dimitri Tiomkin. This arrangement by Andi Cook faithfully recreates the excitement from the main theme that is now known throughout the world. This title has never before been publicly available to brass bands until now and is sure to be a hit with bands and audiences.
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* Los campos que lleven una estrella son accesibles solamente a los Socios del Club después de Registrarse.

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