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Star-Spangled Banner, The, and America the Beautiful - Solo Guitar - hacer clic para una imagen más grande
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Título Star-Spangled Banner, The, and America the Beautiful - Solo Guitar
Artículo no. 3025418
Categoría Pedagogía/literatura para solistas
Subcategoría Guitarra solo
Instrumentación/orquestación Git (guitarra)
Instrumentación/Información Sheet, 2 in 1 Solo, Patriotic
País de edición Estados Unidos (us)
Editorial * Los campos que lleven una estrella (*) son accesibles solamente a los Socios del Club después de Registrarsehacer clic aquí
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Compositor Smith, John Stafford; Ward, Samuel A.
Letrista Key, Francis Scott
Arreglista McCabe, Larry
Otros detalles/contenidos We, the entire staff at Santorella Publications, consider ourselves extremely patriotic which is evidenced by our tireless efforts to support our troops with patriotic fanfare. Our patriotic catalog would not be complete without a salute to our nation's flag and an expressive appreciation for the beauty of its terrain.

'The Star Spangled Banner', written by John Stafford Smith and 'America The Beautiful', written by Samuel A. Ward, are the two songs that dignify our presence on earth and the freedoms we so fortunately possess. If not for the sacrifices of so many men and women in arms, we may not be here today. It is imperative that we always give thanks to these true heroes and salute all those, past and present, who have given their lives for the birth of this great country and continue to serve to protect our freedom.

This is a great opportunity to show your appreciation and express your allegiance by learning 'The Star Spangled Banner' and 'America The Beautiful' arranged for Guitar by Larry McCabe. This 2 in 1 Santorella Publication includes standard notation, tablature and chord symbols.
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