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Classics to Jazz / Hanon - hacer clic para una imagen más grande
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Título Classics to Jazz / Hanon
Artículo no. 3025330
Categoría Pedagogía/literatura para solistas
Subcategoría Piano, solo
Instrumentación/orquestación Pno (piano)
Instrumentación/Información Collection
Formato Bk (libro)
País de edición Estados Unidos (us)
Editorial * Los campos que lleven una estrella (*) son accesibles solamente a los Socios del Club después de Registrarsehacer clic aquí
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Compositor Hanon, Charles L.
Otros detalles/contenidos The Classics to Jazz collection published by Santorella Publications features some of the most popular masterworks from four of the greatest musical geniuses in history. Each piece is first presented in its original form and then on the following page, it is arranged with a Jazz feel. The Classics to Jazz series is a great educational tool for the advancing pianist making the transition from Classical studies to the exciting world of Jazz Piano.

These curiously irresistible melodies arranged and edited by Jonathon Robbins will grab you as soon as you begin to play. Fun and exciting, these pieces will become the most played tunes in your library. This particular edition features the works of Charles L. Hanon. All original pieces are derived from our edition of Hanon's 'Sixty Exercises' for the Virtuoso Pianist.

Once again, as in our Czerny edition, you will experience the most acutely distinct engravings ever seen of Hanon's studious works. Every pianist spends countless hours practicing these exercises to the point of monotony. It is time to spice it up and here's your chance. Go ahead and have some fun with the scales you've been dreading to practice again and again.

Featuring: Exercises No. 1 to 10
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